This year, the Virginia Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts held their annual meeting in Norfolk, VA on December 3-5. Northern Neck SWCD was invited by VASWCD’s Education & Training Coordinator, Maura Christian, to bring our Mobile Education Unit (MEU) trailer for the “Mobile & Interactive Education” session. In addition to our MEU, Headwaters SWCD and Eastern Shore SWCD also brought their mobile education trailers. This session provided a wonderful opportunity for districts to network with each other on various types on educational lessons.
During the Monday Awards Luncheon, Ben & Jane Stilmar were presented with the 2023 Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) participant award. Mr. & Mrs. Stilmar began their living shoreline project with Education Conservation Specialist, Lowery Becker, in 2019. 150 linear feet of living shoreline was installed at their home on Barnes Creek, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. They have shared their experience with others. Ben has presented at neighborhood community meetings as well as to the Master Gardeners about his experience with VCAP and how others can get involved. Ben and Jane are welcoming, kind and good stewards of the environment.
Staff members Brandon Dillistin, Lowery Becker, Kelly Brann & Aaron Saunders were in attendance to the annual meeting as well as NNSWCD Board Chairman, Robert Pickett, and Vice-Chairman, Frank Johnson.